10 Common Misconceptions around Breast Augmentation

Last Updated : October 11, 2024

Women may seek out breast augmentation for a variety of reasons. Women with smaller breasts may desire a fuller cup size whilst others seek an improvement in the appearance of their breasts that may have been altered by pregnancy or weight loss.

Whatever reasons you have for desiring a breast augmentation it’s important to get reliable information on your ideas and questions surrounding this procedure.

Below is a list of some of the most common misconceptions and the truth behind them.

1- Implants need to be replaced regularly

While it’s true that implants don’t last forever, their lifespan is much longer than most people expect.

Implants can last over 20 years. Ultrasounds can be performed to check the integrity of the implant during this period.

2- Implants can be toxic

Many people are wary about introducing an implant but there is no evidence to suggest that the implants will pose any health risk from their

3- Larger breasts won’t suit me:

Larger breasts

Breast augmentation can improve the appearance of breasts in a multitude of ways. Adding an implant to a larger breast can increase
volume resulting in a perkier appearance.

Choosing the size of your implant is a collaborative process where your surgeon can advise you on which implants will provide the outcome that you desire. During this consultation you will get the chance to try different implants in a special garment and get a real visual sense of how your breasts will look.

4- My breasts will look fake if I get implants

Similarly to the previous point, implants are tailored to your desired outcome in consultation with your surgeon. The results can look and feel extremely natural or alternative implants can be chosen in favour of a more maximal outcome based on your preferences.

5-Breast augmentation will leave me with a large scar

Implant scars will heal within a year. Once they have healed they are flat and faint scars. The location of this scar may vary but most commonly this is an anchor scar which is hidden in the natural crease under the breast.

6- I will experience loss of nipple sensation

Loss of nipple sensation is a rare complication of breast augmentation, occurring in less than 1% of women.

7- I will not be able to breastfeed if I have a breast augmentation

Implants are placed without causing any disturbance to the glands of the breast and therefore will not routinely impact a woman’s ability to breastfeed. Similarly there is no risk of milk contamination by breastfeeding with implants.

8- I cannot get a mammogram with breast implants

The breast cancer screening guidelines for women with implants is the exact same as for women without them; once a year after the age of 50. Extra images may be taken in women with implants to ensure a thorough screening. MRI & Ultrasound are also suitable and more
accurate in evaluating both the implant and breast.

9- Breast augmentation has a long and painful recovery time

Recovery from this surgery follows a 24 hour recovery plan. You can go home the same day as your surgery.

You can shower, drive and return to an office job within 24 hours.

Strenuous activities such as heavy lifting should be avoided in the postoperative period but return to normal activities can be achieved by the following day.

Painkillers may be required in the first few days following surgery but pain shouldn’t interfere with your return to normal activity.

10- My friend got a breast augmentation. I like her results so I should choose the same size/ shape implant:

Breast implants are chosen keeping all of your individual factors in mind. The implant that is chosen will take your frame into account to
achieve harmony in the ratio between your breast and hips and compliment your frame.

The most important factor in deciding on whether to have a breast augmentation or not is that you are fully informed on the procedure and it is going to give you the results that you desire.

A consultation can give you answers to any queries you have that weren’t listed above and a true insight into the results you could achieve with a breast augmentation.





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