10 Reason Why a Gastric Balloon Might Be the Best Option for You

Last Updated : October 11, 2024

If you have been considering bariatric surgery, it can be intimidating trying to weigh up the pros and cons of each procedure and figuring out which would be the best option for you. This article will focus on the gastric balloon procedure and why it may be the right option for you.

Gastric balloon is a straight forward day case procedure in which a balloon is implanted in the stomach and filled with saline. This provides a feeling of fullness resulting in a lower appetite so that you can safely lose weight.

This device is then removed, and weight loss is maintained by continuing the healthy habits that you had created whilst the balloon was in place. Each procedure has its own individual pros and cons, and the team at Auralia can help you to decide which procedure is the best option for you.

1. You are stuck in a cycle of crash dieting with no results If you have found yourself trying countless new diets and exercise regimes but you are not getting results from these efforts, you are not alone.

Diets are often overly restrictive, making them hard to stick to over a long time. With a gastric balloon, your appetite is reduced, making it easier to make healthier nutritional decisions.

You will also have access to a full nutrition plan that is designed by professionals to ensure you are losing weight at a safe pace while still getting adequate nutrition.

The gastric balloon ultimately helps you implement new healthier habits that you can continue once the balloon has been removed. Gastric balloon can be thought of as a stepping stone to help you start a healthier life.

2. You would like to try the most conservative approach and avoid surgery. A gastric balloon procedure is a day case, meaning you won’t have to stay in hospital overnight.

It is completed under sedation as opposed to general anaesthetic, so you can go home a few hours after your procedure. The balloon is fitted endoscopically, so there is no scarring from this procedure.

Opting for the least invasive procedure also gives you the option to have a surgical procedure later, if you do not get the desired results from a gastric balloon.

3. You want to improve your overall health and reduce comorbidities Everyone has different reasons for wanting to lose weight, but the overall health benefits from losing weight are abundant.

From lowering your risk of cardiovascular disease to improving joint pain, weight loss can improve your life and health in all areas.

4. You want to take minimal time off work As there is no general anaesthetic used, patients can return to their regular activities within 5 days.

5. You want the least invasive procedure As previously mentioned this is a day case procedure, there is no general anaesthetic and no scar left post procedure. This procedure is also temporary, there are no permanent changes involved in a gastric balloon procedure.

6. You don’t want a procedure that has any permanent changes The gastric balloon is removed at the end of a 6/12 month period and after this your sustained weight loss is reliant on the habits you’ve created while the balloon was inserted.

7. Your BMI falls between 27 and 50 Gastric balloon is an option for patients who are overweight but do not meet the BMI requirements for bariatric surgery. A BMI below 40 is most recommended.

8. Your weight is affecting your self confidence Obesity can affect your mental health just as much as your physical health. Patients report higher self confidence following their weight loss.

9. You would like support creating and sticking to healthy habits Gastric balloon is ultimately a temporary procedure that can provide the help you need to change your lifestyle.

The biggest risk with gastric balloon is that you will gain weight back when the balloon is removed, but evidence has shown that maintaining your weight loss is possible if you continue the prescribed diet and exercise regime post removal.

10. You would like to opt for the lowest cost procedure Gastric balloon is a cheaper procedure as there is no hospital stay required, and it is a relatively quick and straightforward procedure.

If a gastric balloon sounds like it might be the right fit for you, then don’t hesitate to contact Auralia to assess your suitability or get answers for any questions you have.

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