10 Steps To Successful Gastric Band Results

Last Updated : September 16, 2024

Many people consider getting a gastric band or lap band, and we completely understand why. This procedure is incredibly popular amongst those looking to lose weight and improve their overall health.

If you’re thinking about opting for the gastric band, you’ve probably got a million and one questions regarding the procedure.

Our team are specialists when it comes to gastric band procedures, and today we’re going to shed a little light and help you navigate the confusing pathway to a successful gastric band procedure.

Take a look at these ten simple steps that you can follow while going through your lap band procedure to ensure that you get the results you’re looking for and make a speedy recovery.

1. Choose the right clinic for your procedure


Choosing the right clinic is probably one of the most critical choices you will make during this procedure. A reputable clinic for gastric band surgery is a must as it will give you the best chance of having a a safe procedure, and it’ll help make sure you get the help you need every step of the way.

Here are a few things to ask yourself when choosing which hospital to go with for your gastric band procedure:

● Are they a specialist in weight loss surgery?

● Do they have examples of previous gastric band surgeries?

● Is there an aftercare program included? We’d advise making sure there is!

● Will they provide support after your procedure?

● Is the clinic far away from your home? Will you have to travel a lot?

● Are you going abroad for your surgery? How will this affect your procedure?

If you’re going abroad for your gastric band procedure then take a look at our brochure that talks about everything to expect when getting weight loss surgery abroad.

2. Gather as much info as you can about the procedure


When you first inquire about a gastric band or lap band procedure, you’ll be given a lot of information – too much to take in on the phone!

Take the time to carefully sift through all the information you’ve been given to understand what’s involved in the procedure.

Doing your own research into gastric bands is also a fantastic idea. Not only will you become more educated about the procedure, but you’ll also be more equipped to ask questions during your consultation.

3. Find a surgeon who specialises in gastric band surgery


Ideally, you want to find yourself a surgeon experienced in performing gastric band procedures to get the best results possible. You won’t get the same results from an inexperienced surgeon who’s only done a couple of gastric band procedures now and then. You need a specialist.

The gastric band procedure requires a lot of technical precision. If the surgeon you’re working with doesn’t have much experience behind them, there will be a higher risk of complications.

4. Be prepared for your consultation


Before going to your consultation, it’s essential to be prepared. The best thing you can do in preparation is to read over the research you’ve done on gastric bands. Study the information you’ve been given and write down a detailed list of all the questions or concerns you might have.

Your surgeon will be happy to answer any questions and would love to alleviate any stress you’re feeling concerning complications or the risks involved.

5. Follow the pre-op rules carefully


Before your operation, you’ll be given a list of pre-op rules to follow by your surgeon. It’s usually a strict diet that allows your liver to shrink, making it easier to place the gastric band. By following these rules you’ll be more likely to have a successful gastric band procedure.

6. Make a plan of action

After the procedure, you’ll have to change your lifestyle and eating habits. You’ll also have to incorporate an exercise regime into your daily routine.

This lifestyle change is necessary to maximise the amount of weight you lose with a lap band.

The easiest way to do this is to make a plan. Think about what you eat now and what has to be stopped to maintain a healthy diet.

You could:

● Cut out fatty foods

● Reduce your portion sizes

● Eat a lower number of calories

● Count the calories you’re eating strictly

Don’t forget to include exercise in your plan too. Exercise burns calories, and although it sounds simple, even a short walk will help improve your overall weight loss.

7. Follow your aftercare program carefully


When your procedure is over, you’ll be placed on an aftercare program by your doctor. You must follow the program they give you carefully to make sure you make a full recovery and begin receiving the benefits of the gastric band.

Aftercare programs usually assist with:

● What you can eat

● When you can go back to work

● When you can exercise

● What not to do in the next few weeks

8. Stick to the advice from your doctor

Along with the aftercare program, your doctor will also give you advice on how to maximise your results. Listen to what they say and take note of anything important. They’ll suggest a diet for you as well as an exercise routine.

Add all the advice you get from your doctor to your plan and follow it carefully so you can get down to the weight you’re aiming for.

9. Attend your band adjustment appointments


Most patients get between 3 and 5 band adjustments over the first year, and it’s essential that you attend these appointments. Make sure you get your band adjusted and listen to any advice the band adjustment nurse gives you.

These band adjustments help you increase your weight loss and speed you towards your weight-loss goal, so it’s important not to miss them.

10. Always listen to your body


The most important step to successful gastric band results is always listening to your body.

Contact your doctor if you think there’s something wrong. They’ll be happy to talk with you and go through everything.

If there are complications, then you’ll be the first to know. It’s your body, and if you feel that something is off, don’t hesitate to call your doctor.

Ar you feeling more prepared for your gastric band procedure?

We hope our ten tips for successful gastric band results have helped you determine the best path toward weight-loss success!

If you’re looking for a team of talented bariatric surgeons to help you on your weight loss journey, the Auralia team would be happy to help.

We specialise in bariatric surgery and have done thousands of gastric band procedures in the past.

Get in touch with our team today to book a consultation.

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