Breaking the PCOS-Infertility Cycle: How Bariatric Surgery Can Help.

Last Updated : October 11, 2024

Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) is a common hormonal disorder affecting women of reproductive age characterised by irregular periods and symptoms caused by excess male hormones. These symptoms may include excessive hair growth, acne, and male pattern hair loss. PCOS is one of the most common causes of infertility in women.

PCOS and obesity are often linked. Women with this condition are more prone to weight gain due to insulin resistance. This is when the body’s cells are less reactive to insulin, resulting in elevated insulin levels.

These elevated insulin levels can further increase the production of male hormones, further exacerbating symptoms leading to more weight gain and further hormone imbalance.

This is a frustrating cycle that women with PCOS can find themselves trapped in. Losing weight can be crucial in managing PCOS, and Bariatric Surgery can help break this stubborn cycle of weight gain.

There are a variety of bariatric procedures that can break this cycle of weight gain due to PCOS symptoms. A consultation can help you to decide which method is most suitable for you; this will depend on individual factors such as BMI.

Initiating weight loss is particularly difficult when you have PCOS. Many patients find themselves in a cycle of crash dieting and restricting with little results. Bariatric surgery, along with access to a variety of supports such as diet and exercise plans, can break the cycle of insulin resistance and, therefore, weight gain.

Reaching a lower BMI comes with countless health benefits, both physically and psychologically. In women with PCOS, weight loss can also increase fertility in a variety of ways.

1. Restoration of Regular Periods Excess weight and insulin resistance disrupt the balance of hormones that are required for ovulation. As weight is lost after surgery, the body can regulate hormones more efficiently.

With substantial weight loss, menstrual cycles become more regular, making ovulation more predictable and increasing the chance of natural conception.

2. Reduced Levels of Male Hormones Weight loss and subsequent reduction in insulin levels also can help reduce the levels of male hormones produced by women with PCOS. Not only does this result in a reduction in the unpleasant symptoms of PCOS, such as acne and excessive hair growth, but it also results in improved fertility.

3. Improved Ovulation Bariatric surgery has been shown to restore ovulation within one year in 87% of women with PCOS. As ovulation is key to conception, this is critical for women who are struggling to conceive.

4. Reduced Risk of Pregnancy Complications Obesity is associated with an increased risk of miscarriage and a variety of pregnancy complications such as pre-eclampsia and gestational diabetes. Achieving a healthier weight with bariatric surgery before conception will reduce the risk of these complications.

Pregnancy can be tough on the body, achieving a healthier weight before becoming pregnant not only reduces the risk of complications but also reduces the extent of uncomfortable symptoms such as joint pain and shortness of breath.

Having a healthy weight at conception also increases the chance of your baby having a healthy birth weight and even has been linked to overall better health into adulthood.

5. Enhanced IVF Success Rate Obesity has been shown to negatively affect IVF outcomes, including lower rates of embryo implantation and higher miscarriage rates.

Success rates can be improved significantly by losing weight before undergoing fertility treatments. IVF is an expensive treatment, increasing your chances of successful IVF treatment by achieving a healthy weight can reduce the number of cycles of IVF required to become pregnant.

Weight loss can be difficult for everyone, but women with PCOS may find it especially difficult as it creates a cycle of insulin resistance causing weight gain, and that weight gain causes further insulin resistance. This is a frustrating cycle that can prove difficult to break. Bariatric surgery might be the answer to breaking that cycle of weight gain safely and sustainably. Weight loss comes with countless benefits to your health but can be particularly effective in improving fertility and managing symptoms of PCOS.

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