The Complete Guide To Ear Correction Surgery in Ireland

Last Updated : March 8, 2021

Ear correction surgery is also called otoplasty, pinnaplasty or ear pinning. It’s a popular, straightforward surgery that shows immediate results for patients. Inexpensive, it provides thousands of patients every year with peace of mind when it comes to an aspect of their body they don’t feel comfortable with.

Otoplasty is a great surgical option that can help reduce self-consciousness and improve self-esteem in children, teenagers, and adults.

Ears are completely developed by the age of four and for children that have issues with their ear shape and positioning, there are many benefits of having this surgery.

Many adults suffer psychological distress from large or protruding ears. Pinnaplasty is the perfect way to help get you out of this uncomfortable relationship with your own body.

Today we’re going to take a closer look at ear correction surgery. If you’re thinking of getting otoplasty, this guide will help you get the information you need to know about the procedure. 

What is ear correction surgery?

Ear pinning is an extremely effective cosmetic surgery with low risk and fast results. It has minimum side effects and it’s also inexpensive cosmetic surgery to get done. It’s a very popular surgery amongst patients of all ages and sexes.

The procedure is straightforward and is usually performed under a local anaesthetic. It can also be carried out under a general anaesthetic.

The techniques used for ear correction surgery varies depending on the needs of the individual. 

The procedure is so simple to do that the patient can return home within an hour or two after their surgery.

What happens during ear correction surgery?

The exact methods used for ear correction surgery can vary depending on the patient’s desired outcome.

Usually, the surgery involves:

  • Making an incision in the fold behind the ear
  • Removing some skin and cartilage – or just remodelling
  • Pinning the ear with permanent sutures

In some cases, a surgeon might remove a small amount of cartilage from the ear and then suture the gap closed. The surgeon will employ difficult techniques to enhance a desired natural look.

This technique is also used to reduce the size of the ears along with repositioning them.

Most ear pinning procedures are performed using either light sedation or local anaesthesia. However, small children might be given general anaesthesia to stop them from fidgeting and enhance the experience without trauma.

How long does ear correction surgery take?

An ear pinning procedure usually takes about one hour to complete.

Can children have ear correction surgery?

Ears are one of the first body parts to fully develop and can be finished developing by the age of four. Surgery for children is not advised before the age of 7-8 years.

As long as your child is healthy, is at least 7-8 years old and isn’t prone to chronic ear infections they might be eligible to undergo ear correction surgery.

We suggest contacting your doctor for more information on whether or not your child should get otoplasty done.

What’s recovery like for ear correction surgery?

The recovery process for ear correction surgery is very easy.

Patients are instructed to keep their dressing on afterwards which will form to the ear and apply pressure. This helps make sure that they get the desired outcome for their pinning procedure.

It’s important that during the healing process patients don’t touch the bandages or get them wet as this could irritate their ears.

After three to five days the patient can return to the clinic to have their bandages removed. They must not remove their bandages until this time as it could affect the outcome of the surgery.

Patients often experience some slight stinging, throbbing or aching in their ears post-procedure. Any discomfort can easily be solved with some prescribed pain medication.

Are there any risks involved with ear correction surgery?

All surgeries, even cosmetic surgeries, have risks. Any potential complications will always be discussed during your consultation. It’s a good idea to get a copy of the risks involved in writing so you can bring it home and take the time to go over it by yourself. 

Is there any scarring after ear correction surgery?

Ear correction surgery does cause scarring but the scars are very small and are easily hidden by the crease where the ear meets the head. The scars will be concealed so you don’t have to worry about them being on show.

Does ear correction surgery affect hearing?

Having ear correction surgery won’t affect your hearing at all.

How should you prepare for your ear correction surgery?

2 weeks pre-op 

About 2 weeks before you go in for your ear correction surgery you should stop taking any products that include aspirin as it might increase the risk of bleeding.

Any non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs like Brufen or Volterol should also be stopped as well as Vitamin E tablets and multivitamins.

If you’re a smoker you should stop smoking 2 weeks before your operation as well.

1-week pre-op

A week before your operation it’s recommended that you take a vitamin C tablet twice a day to help improve your healing process post-op.

The day of your surgery

When coming in for your procedure be sure to wear a button-up shirt of some kind so you don’t have to pull it on and off over your head.

If you’re thinking of getting ear correction surgery, our experienced surgical team at Auralia offers the very best in cosmetic surgery.

Get in contact with us today and we can answer any questions you may have about ear correction surgery. Book your free consultation today.

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